University of Michigan-Dearborn
ART 220: Intro to Digital Photography
ART210: Beginning Digital Design
ART320: Intermediate Digital Photography
Marygrove College
ART 276/376: Photography I and II
ART 491-03: Photographic Trends in Criminal Justice
Sample Assignment: Environmental Justice Assignment
Sample Reading: The Image of Truth
ART 491-08: Experimental Photography
Art History 355: History of Women Artists
Sample Presentation: Contemporary Artists (Who also happen to be female)
Art History 370: 20th and 21st Century Art
Sample of Presentation: Fantasy, the Metaphysical School and Dada
Art History 202: Wonders of World Art
Sample Presentation: Ancient Greece
IS 100: College Immersion- Introduction to Contemporary Thought through the Arts
(Detroit Cristo Rey High School students): Syllabus
ART 105: Introductory Studio
Pennsylvania State University
ART 390: Introduction to Photochemical Photography
ART 010: Introduction to Art
(Online Course)
State University of New York at Oswego